On Tuesday (7/17) our assignment was to experiment with creating
photo essays. With mine, I attempted to chronicle my relationship with my
fiancé. The catch is that we were first limited to five photographs, or frames,
with which to build our essays. Using Windows Movie Maker, I toyed around with
some photos of Katie and I that I pulled from Facebook (why yes, thank you, it
is creative and original). My intent was to illustrate how Katie and I’s
relationship began with a shared taste in eclectic (weird) humor; from hanging
out in cemeteries to making “guido” faces in pictures, our relationship evolved
from a merely goofy one to one that is truly wonderful in every way.
I have never nor do I ever expect to one day bill myself as
a filmmaker, or even a film expert, but it seems to me that Toledano has accomplished
with this photo essay exactly what successful filmmakers are seeking to do; he
forces us to empathize with him and with his characters. Before reading/viewing
the essay in its entirety, I might have been rather disgusted and put off by
the sight of Toledano’s aging and decrepit father. By the end of the essay, I
found myself wanting to love this old man with the same fierceness that
Toledano evidently loved him; I felt sorrow at his death, and empathy for the
author’s grief.
My own attempt at a
photo essay is nothing like Toledano’s and is certainly not as polished or
powerful, but it’s an attempt nonetheless.
Great start! I especially like your writing above--the process and your reflection on Toledano's piece.